
BTBK 隐私政策

BTBK Privacy Policy


Last updated: July 1, 2024


Please be aware that personal information you make available via social media apps and websites may be viewed, collected, and used by us and others. Collection and sharing of personal information on social media apps and websites is governed by the privacy policy and practices of the social media provider.


BTBK may collect information about you in connection with social networking sites in several ways, including:

当您使用社交网络帐户(如 Google 或 Facebook帐户)登录 BTBK 应用程序或网站时。这些社交网络登录功能还可以使用您提供给社交网站的信息更轻松地创建 BTBK 帐户

When you sign in to an BTBK app or website using a social networking account, such as a Google or Facebook account. These social networking sign-in features may also enable an BTBK account to be created more easily by using the information you provided to the social networking site

当您在社交网站上使用 BTBK 应用程序或选择加入(或“喜欢”)社交网站上的 BTBK 页面(例如 Google 上的 BTBK Feed 页面)时。在这些情况下,社交网站可能会向 BTBK 提供有关您的一些信息。请参阅社交网站的隐私政策以了解更多信息

When you use an BTBK app on a social networking site or choose to join (or “like”) an BTBK page on a social networking site (such as the BTBK Photoshop page on Google). In these situations, the social networking site may make some information about you available to BTBK. Please see the privacy policy for the social networking site to learn more

当您与 BTBK 社交网络页面或内容进行交互时,我们可能会使用 Cookie 来了解您点击了哪些链接(了解有关 Cookie 以及我们如何使用收集的信息的更多信息:https://btbk.org/cookies_policy)

When you interact with an BTBK social networking page or content, we may use cookies to learn which links you clicked (learn more about cookies and how we use the information collected)


When you make information publicly available on your social networking page


When the social networking sites provide us with statistics and insights

我们将这些信息用于 BTBK 隐私政策中描述的目的。

We use this information for purposes described in the BTBK Privacy Policy.

Google Oauth

Google Oauth Privacy

如果您使用谷歌 OAuth 登录,我们将:

if you use google oauth login, We will:

1、查看您的主要 Google 帐号电子邮件地址

1、See your primary Google Account email address


2、Associate you with your personal info on Google


3、See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available

4、想知道更多吗?请点击谷歌隐私政策 : https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy

4、want to know more? please click Google Privacy Policy : https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy

要了解有关您与 BTBK 互动的社交网站的隐私惯例的更多信息,请参阅该社交网站和谷歌的隐私政策。

To learn more about the privacy practices of a social networking site on which you interact with BTBK, please refer to the privacy policy for that social networking site Or Google

BTBK User Terms : https://www.btbk.org/terms_of_use

Google Privacy Policy : https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy